Sunday, November 16, 2008

A Change of Scenery

Welcome to the new blog of Justin Steiner! I will still keep my old blog up and running, but I won't be making any new posts there, at least not in the near future. One of my friends put a link to my blog on his and the title was, "Big Guy - Bigger Opinions." So that is where I get the name of my blog from. Just a little insight for you!

My wife does such a phenomenal job keeping everyone updated about the happenings of our life and family, I decided to change up my blog... just a little. Everyone thinks that their opinions are important right? I definitely think so! So here, at Big Guy - Bigger Opinions, you will find insights for you... you name it, politics, economics, business, movies, religion, heck, I will even venture into conspiracy theories! (no... don't think I am a conspiracy theorist, because I am far from that) If you are curious as to what I think about something, drop me a comment and I will be happy to think about it and give my opinion.

Just to give a quick explanation to who I am... I am a Christian, family man, conservative republican (there is a difference), businessman, pro-lifer, support our troops guy, reader, movie watcher, sports watcher, political junkie, and a proud self-proclaimed nerd (I didn't used to be this way).

I value the friends I have and never hold grudges against those who don't believe the same beliefs that I do. I think it is important to debate ideas (friendly debate of course) so that you can grow stronger in your beliefs. So if you don't agree with me, I would love to learn why! Who knows, maybe I will be swayed. =)


Cristina said...

I am so glad that I can finally link over to your blog from mine! It's about time! =) Talk to you later!

Gene Steiner said...

I can hardly wait!
You take after your old man,
you know!

Diane said...

Even though I find a disagreement between us hard to know I will be keeping up with your blog and dropping comments. For starters, I'd like to know your thoughts on the stock market reaction to Obama's win and the proposed bailout of the big 3 auto companies...I'll be waiting! =)

DR said...

I added your link to our blogroll. I read through your old blog and we need more good conservatives blogging so I will stop by regularly.