Saturday, April 25, 2009

Burned Out

So... Here I am once again behind on my blogging. I was just told today that I haven't blogged for a month! Honestly, I just haven't been in the mood to. I have been a little burned out recently with all of the world events. My excuse is once again that I am swamped with work. Anyone else feel this way? I would love to hear from you. I don't have a clue how many people read my blog when I was blogging more frequently, but I am assuming that in my absence, whatever that number was, has dropped off considerably. So those of you who read my blog, I would love to see what you are thinking or feeling.
What are your thoughts about choices made by our government? What do you think about Obama releasing "some" information about the workings of the CIA? What do you think about Obama forcing the CEO to step down from GM? What do you think of Obama refusing to let banks pay back TARP money? What are your thoughts about the Tea Parties? What do you think of the criticism of the people involved in these Tea Parties?
I am not going to make this a conversation unless you ask me for my opinion, so if you think that your opinion will be in opposition of mine, please post it! I would be dumb to never listen to other opinions. Isn't that how we get our opinions developed in the first place through education and learning from others? I am just attempting to grasp what other people are thinking out there. Are you frustrated? Or are you satisfied? Or perhaps you could careless and don't have your mind made up yet.

If you don't want to post your opinion, please feel free to email me at:

Hopefully I will hear from you soon!

I promise... I will be posting again VERY soon!


Joy said...

Justin, I read your blog whenever you post. I always love to hear your thoughts on stuff! I'm just not as well-versed in some of the political news. So I read your blog to find out what's going on. :-)

Ronni said...

I always read your blog when you post :)

OK, since you asked...I thought the tea parties (particularly the one on preston rd at 5pm) made my drive home twice as long and therefore I thought it was stupid! I agree with the message they were trying to send, but come on people, I want to get home!

Cristina said...

Exactly what Joy said.... I haven't been keeping up with political stuff since I went back to work. The world could be coming to an end and I really wouldn't know about it because you don't update your blog! (Is this making you feel guilty yet?) Anyway, I don't know a lot of about the tea parties.... I have just people mention them, but I wasn't sure if they were really taking place. I know about the Boston Tea Party and I think that it sent a message then, but I don't honestly feel as though there are enough people that have the time to stand up to government these days... so I don't know that a tea party would really be effective. What do you think?

SR said...

It is nice to hear from you again. I certainly understand growing weary in time where everything is changing and hope seems like a carrot at the end of a stick.

I think conservatives are in for the fight of a lifetime to gain back everything they have lost under Obama. I also think that most people have no clue of just what they have lost.

We need people like you out there keeping us all real in a world that seems to suck everything out of us.


DR said...

I check in here all the time and I hope you can get back to blogging soon. I also feel burned out. However, we all have an impact and I think maybe you are underestimating your impact. You and your wife are living a powerful example every day. That is something you should be very proud of. We get thousands of visits, but very few comments. So you can't count how many people come by, by how many comments you get. I hope this did not come off as a lecture; I just wanted to encourage you.