Sunday, November 15, 2009

It's A Religious Opinion

It could be easy for me to give any excuse as to why I haven't posted anything new for awhile. For the last few months I simply haven't had the desire to give my opinion in written form, but in person, that is another thing. =)
For the last few years I have continued to define who I am and what my opinions are. Like anyone, I continue to evolve and expand in all areas of my life. However, there are still quite a few things that I wonder about and that I just can't find answers to. Personally it is hard for me to just "wait" to ask God about when I am in heaven. So I am asking for your help for your opinion. Let me know if I am on the right track or maybe if I am simply just thinking too deeply. Soooo.... Here we go...


I am going to start with proclaiming my faith in Jesus. For me this is not an arguable issue. No one will sway me into believing that there isn't a heaven or hell or a God or a Devil. So I am going to assume that we all agree that Jesus, God, heaven and hell all exist.
There is good and bad. There is God and the devil. Since Satan was cast out of heaven to the earth because he wanted to be God, wouldn't you assume that his urge to be Him still exists? Do you think his desire to be like God or be God would just simply go away? Do you think that Satan was or still is a bit ticked off that he was kicked out of heaven? God created man for His pleasure. He created us to worship Him. Satan knows this, don't you think? Do you think that Satan would be a little peeved at this? So I just had to ask myself, "If I was Satan, what would I do?" Yeah yeah.. sounds strange. But think about it. Do you think it is possible that Satan decided to try and mislead every human being as possible? How would he do this? Could it be by having humans create other religions? A lot of people have thought that "alternative" religions were created by man in attempt to search for God. Some have even gone so far as to say that "all" religions lead to God. Now I will be absolutely clear... I am not a universalist. But couldn't it be possible that these "alternative" religions were placed on the minds of people by Satan?

Because Satan was so absolutely ticked off at God, do you think that he would go to the ends of the earth coming up with ways to steal as many people away from God as possible?

Think about all of the religions of the world: Islam, Jehovah Witnesses, The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints, Wikka, Budhism, and Hinduism. These are just to name of few. What is in common with all of these? They all believe that Jesus was a great philospher and human being. What is the fastest growing religion in the world? Islam. Why do you think this is? To me, I see Islam as the perfect alternative to Christianity. What better way for Satan to steal the hearts of so many? Islam is the perfect vehicle for Satan to lead so many to hell. Do you think that is mean? Why do you think there is so much hatred between the two religions if this weren't the case? I am not saying that every person who is a follower of these religions are bad people or are evil, but that doesn't mean that their religion is evil. These two things are completely different.

Most people go on with their life and don't think of the ways that Satan is intertwined with this earth and our society. There is a constant battle...a spiritual battle going on. Do you think that Satan's hands...or claws... are in the support of political correctness? Or how about Hollywood? Or how about our music industry? How about.... our churches on street corners? Hmmmm... Something to think about? Don't think that this is true? Because so many believe that the Bible is outdated, homosexuality and other sins are accepted in some churches. Still don't see it that way? Why do you think there is so much bickering between denominations within the church? What about the attack in our public schools? Why can't kids wear a shirt at school that says "Jesus Saves" but another kid can wear a shirt that has a cross on it that is crossed out and has the words written at the top, "Evil Religion"?

I realize that to some I could be coming across as a religious conspiracy theorist. No... if that was the case I would get rid of every secular CD that I own or every movie that has premarital sex or murder in it. The point is... why is it so hard for someone to believe that Satan is more involved in our every day life than what was previously believed? Why do you think the Bible tells us to put on the Full Armor of God if we weren't going to battle for our lives... literally... on a daily basis?

So the question is... what can we do about it? How do we reach out to those who disagree with Christianity? How do we walk the line of Christianity without turning away those who are on the fence?


Anonymous said... definitely make me think. This is my goal every day with my students. Thank you for making me think.

Joy said...

Justin, I completely agree. That's one of the reasons I've always believed and known Christianity to be true...because it is the only religion that seems to have such nonsensical opposition to it -- such angst and inner conflict among those who oppose it. Yet other religions of "good people," such as Mormonism, don't face the battles and attacks that we do. Satan doesn't attack and oppose the religions he created.

Very good and interesting points!

SR said...

Great post. Can we expect more anytime soon? Just wondering if everything is well with you.

Gene Steiner said...

I totally agree with you, Big Guy. you are a chip off the old block.

Kevin O'Rourke said...