Friday, May 15, 2009

Pppprrrrroooo Life

I honestly thought I would never see the day.... based on how it seems that our country is becoming even more liberal!! In a recent Gallop Poll, the majority of Americans were found to be pro-life! I have never fully thought polls to be accurate unless it was a huge difference. A 9% difference is pretty substantial! When you factor in the margin of error, no matter how you look at it, it is safe to determine that the majority of Americans do feel this way.

Gallop stated that this is the first time there has been this shift since Gallop first started tracking this polling questiong in 1996. Just look at the huge shift since then!!
Here is a breakdown of the position people have on whether or not abortion should be legal in any any or certain or no circumstances.

There are many more graphs from this poll topic found on Gallop's website, if you are interested. They also broke it down along party lines.
I have always been pro-life, but ever since we lost Jonathan last year, I have been even more vocal about it. There are so many parents who would love to father or mother a child. To willingly abort a child merely because they don't want to deal with parenthood or think it will be a hastle is just outright selfish. So far I have not come across any one who has lost a child during their pregnancy who is pro-choice. What is amazing to me is if the majority of Americans are pro-life, why did the majority of Americans vote for our beloved president? (This is one of those questions I always ask myself along with the question on how this president has a 66% approval rating?)
This made my day! I just had to take a time out to blog about it!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Blah Blah Blah!!!

Today I read an interesting article at It was titled: Obama Says U.S. Long-Term Debt Load ‘Unsustainable’. Here is what Obama said, "We can’t keep on just borrowing from China. We have to pay interest on that debt, and that means we are mortgaging our children’s future with more and more debt.” Whatever happened to Obama sending his Secretary of State, Clinton to China to convince China to buy even more of our debt?? He then proceeded to say that those who are holding US debt will get tired of "buying it," which will cause interest rates to rise on auto and home loans. Did this just occur to him??

I didn't realize that Obama was a comedian!!! This is EXACTLY what conservatives were saying on the hated evil cable news network, Fox News! Do you remember what the response was by those who supported Obama's spending? Conservatives were called blockers of progess. They were told to be quiet unless they had their own ideas. Conservatives had their own ideas, but were silenced because it wasn't supported by the dems.

The funny thing (something the article pointed out) is that Obama recommended to cut a whopping $17 billion from the current budget! But another thing that the article points out is that Obama has proposed over $80 billion in NEW spending... President Obama, it is just a little toooooo late to be saying this isn't it? Unless he is trying to get the media to report and to have fickle citizens to believe that it is time to raise taxes even more! It seems that Obama is positioning himself where he will basically be begged to increase taxes on the wealthy and everything else that can be taxed...

Every day I keep asking myself.... How does this guy have 66% approval ratings and people can't see that he is the cause of the risk that he is speaking of???

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Healthcare Torture

Smokers, Drinkers, and Coca-Cola drinkers... What do they all have in common? They all could be our universal healthcare funders! Do you think this is a good idea or a bad idea? What is my opinion? I think it is a bad idea! Not for the obvious reason that I completely disagree with universal healthcare, but because it doesn't make sense for these people to pay for it. Here is why... smokers and drinkers already pay a hefty penny in taxes. If smokers, drinkers and coke drinks are going to be the main source of funding, what do you think is going to happen to the taxes for these things? Go up! Do you think that this might cause people to quick smoking or drinking? There is a good chance they would if the taxes are absolutely too high. Obviously it really depends on how addicted people are to them as well! Here is what is really ironic... These things are considered by many as a main cause of cancer and many other health issues.

So here is a scenario for you to pick apart... Let's say I am a smoker and I have been for 10 years. I smoke 3 packs a day. After work I also go the the bar each night and have a quite a few Jack and Cokes, then I always go home and continue to drink a six pack of Miller Chills. I go to my yearly physical checkup, on the government's tab, and the doctor says, "You need to quit smoking right away because there are a couple of spots on your lungs." What am I going to do? Well, I am going to quit drinking and smoking and go to rehab, again on the government tab. What happens? The government just lost a funder of their beloved universal healthcare! Does this really make that much sense to you?

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day Alyson!

Typically I like to write about politics or something else that gets my attention.... Today, Mother's Day, is special. I typically don't even blog about my personal life or daily happenings of my life... But today is a special day. I am sure that everyone who reads my blog follows my wife's blog as well, so you probably at least aware of our life events these last few months.

I admire Alyson so much. A man obviously experiences emotion and sadness, but for some reason God created man to handle things and think about things differently. You might have heard about the analogy that men think in boxes while women have spaghetti brains, meaning that men think about one thing at a time while women's thoughts are intertwined and think about multiple things at once. I know this because Alyson always has two things on her mind, our precious son Jonathan and having another baby. I admire my wife.... Every morning she wakes up and takes a step forward. She focuses on the future... our family.... our dreams... our future...

I want to be a father of a child on this earth more than anything..... except for one thing.... Alyson to be a mother. One conversation that I remember when we were dating was about our individual dreams to be parents. We talked about names and about how many children we wanted. Being a mother has been Alyson's dream ever since she was a little girl. When I fell in love with Alyson I promised her that I would provide for her.... that I would always be there for her... making her dreams come true. It kills me that in everything that we have been through I can't fix or I can't make even a little better... Sure I know that is the man... the husband in me saying that, but that is how I feel. I view myself as a problem solver and I don't like having a problem that I can't find an answer to. I hate not having an earthly remedy for what we are going through.

These last few months have been a struggle. I feel like we are going through a dark tunnel but there is no end in sight... Do you know what keeps me going, beside my trust or sometimes just hope in God that He knows what He is doing? Alyson! When I hold her hand or hug her... I am no longer afraid of the dark. I get the strength to move forward because I know that I have a responsibility to guide my wife through the end of this tunnel to where we can see sunshine.... So when I think that I need to be the one who gives strength to Alyson or give her encouragement.... it is actually she who gives it to me. She gives me the strength to....... give her the strength. Is this just what marriage is supposed to be like? Is this what love is supposed to be like? I think..... yes!

Our future has so far turned out a little differently then we had planned... I remember telling Alyson all of those years back that I wanted to have four children.... Little did I know that I would have four children, but Alyson still not having a chance to experience motherhood.

So on this special day.... this good day but yet a day full of sorrow... I will be there for my lovely wife just as she is there for me. We will seek God together... We ultimately get our strength from our loving Father! Thankfully we don't have to rely upon just each other or an earthly remedy. God is our remedy.

Alyson... I love you... I adore you... I am here for you... I will always be here for you....

Happy Mother's Day, my love.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Back in Action...... I think =)

Thank you for all of the responses and emails in regards to my last post. I am hoping that I am back in action, but I think I should probably become a little more regular in my postings before I can officially say that I am back from my nice little vacation from blogging. =)

So what has hit my nerve today for me to be once again blog? The answer is an article I read in the Washington Times. Here is the title: Homeland agency pulled back extremism dictionary. So here is a quick review. The Department of Homeland Security decided to put together a so-called dictionary of definitions of those who fit the extremists profile. Who made the list you might be asking?? Well, right-wing extremists! Granted, there are extremists who are right wing, but the specific definition that was used to define these extremists is: someone who is against abortion or for border enforcement. To be fair, the list did include left-wing extremists. Their definition was: is described as someone who opposes war or is dedicated to environmental and animal rights causes.

What did the report say about who fit the definition of anti-immigration? "They may have been known to advocate or engage in criminal activity and plot acts of violence and terrorism to advance their extremist goals. They are highly critical of the U.S. government's response to illegal immigration and oppose government programs that are designed to extend 'rights' to illegal aliens, such as issuing driver's licenses or national identification cards and providing in-state tuition, medical benefits, or public education." Bear with me for one moment.... look at the title of "anti-immigration" and then look at the definition.... Shouldn't it be called" anti-"illegal" immigration?" Okay... well maybe that just bothers me and no one else.

The next thing I want to point out is the sentence that says, "They may have been known to advocate or engage in criminal activity..." It doesn't say "they have" or "they are" or anything like that... they just simply say, "they may". They leave the definition wide open to include people like................... me. Seriously... take a look at the definition once more but take away the first sentence only. This definition defines me perfectly! So, according to the government, I am a right-wing extremist! Guess I won't ever be able to work on Obama's staff, huh? I better be careful because my blog is now being monitored because I am using the words "right-wing extremists."

Lastly, what really cracks me up is the statement by the Homeland Security spokeswoman who said, "This product is not, nor was it ever, in operational use." Yeah.... that is suppose to make me feel muuuuuccchhhh better. If something like this was never intended to be used, like the rest of the article indicates, then why develop these definitions in the first place? If that is the case why are these suits sitting around their 1,200 foot conference room table coming up with these ideas and issuing the order to have their analysts come up with these reports if they were never "intended" to be used?

That's all for today!


Your faithful right-wing extremist blogger - bigguy-biggeropinions

p.s. to the homeland security officials now monitoring my blog.... I am only kidding about that last "extremists" comment... I think you should be concentrating more on the bigger fish that need frying! =)