Saturday, February 28, 2009

Keith Olbermann

There have been so many things that I wish that I had time to blog about. I watched Obama's speech the other night... Needless to say, I wasn't impressed at all. Did anyone else feel like that? Did it seem like the same ol' promises from his election? First let me say that I do think that Obama is a great speech giver, besides the fact that he can never take his eyes off his script...except when he says, "I get it."

Just after the speech I had an idea... President Obama stated that we will all need to make sacrifices to get through these hard times, himself included. That gave me the idea that Obama should volunteer to give up his salary until this recession is over. I would completely respect him if he did that. That, my friends, is leading by example. One of my friends suggested that Bush should give up his pension because this recession is all his fault. I seriously had to chuckle at that thought. I am tired of hearing that everything that has happened these last few years is all his fault! Nobody talks about Bush and the Republicans tried to regulate Fannie and Freddie and subprime lending. In the 90's and the beginning of this decade, the Republicans tried to tighten guidelines on "subprime" people. Do you know what happened? They were called racist!

Barney Frank and Chris Dodd are a couple of people we can point fingers at for not regulating the subprime market. I have often stated that I hate hearing about the banks being the only ones blamed for this crisis. Finally there is some fighting back! I saw a headline this morning from Politico, Bankers to Obama: Stop trashing us. Did banks take risks on investments? Sure they did. But most banks didn't originate a ton of subprime loans themselves. As this article suggested, the majority were done by brokers. For instance, Countrywide was the largest lender in the U.S. At the time I worked there, 1 in 4 homes had Countrywide mortgages! A whopping 25%!!! Get this... Less than 3% of their portfolio, that they originated themselves were subprime!

Okay... change of topic... the topic that is in my subject line, because I know that most of your eyes are glazing over now. After Obama's speech, Lousianna's governor, Jindal, gave the Republican response. On MSNBC, Keith Olbermann said something that really ticked me off. I don't know why MSNBC still has this guy working for them!

Just as he was waiting for Jindal to walk onto the podium, he whispered, "Oh God" under his breath...

What a worthless..............

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Already Breaking Promises

Do you what sickens me the most about this big spending bill that was just passed today? No one really knows what is in it. Did you know that some congressman and senators didn't even have a chance to look through the bill before they signed it? No... I am serious!
Sure the news has reported a little bit of details here and there but how much do we actually know about what is in the bill? Nearly $900 billion dollars is being spent and on what?? Government building! You might being tired of hearing this and might even being wanting to click to another blog by now... But doesn't it concern you at all about what is being done?
First the Republicans were trying to allow the public to view the bill for 48 hours prior to it being voted on, but the Dems didn't allow it. Do you think that Obama read through the bill before he signed it?

Watch this video. You can watch the whole thing, but first fast forward to the good part starting at one minute.

So what has happened to Obama's stand against pork? What has happened to full disclosure? Today we have learned that since the negotiations of this bill started, Obama hasn't even had a chance to read through the bill himself before he signed it.

How many people have drank the kool-aid and actually think that this spending bill will actually work? If you think it will work, I respect your opinion, but would like to ask you one question... How do you know it will work? Because the news says so? Or is it because politicians say so? Since the majority of our representatives haven't read the bill and heck...even President Obama hasn't read it, how do they know it will work? Honestly, we really don't know what is completely in this bill, and unfortunately, we are going to be paying for it for a very...very...very long time!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Stimulus Hate

I am sure that we are all tired of hearing about the economy... I know that I sure am! I get sick up flipping on the television and hearing about all of the job losses. It just doesn't seem to stop! There are new job losses each day! Today Wal-mart and General Motors announced layoffs!

So what is the answer? I don't want to make you all feel depressed about the current situation, but seriously what is the answer? Is the answer really shoveling money towards the problem? Will approximately $900 billion work this time? Well...wait.... we haven't even used the full $850 billion that was approved this fall to be used to bailout the banks!

I am still standing by my previous statement that I don't want Obama to fail, but so far I am quite displeased with nearly everything that Obama has done. Don't believe me? Let's just look at the picture below just to show an example of Obama's earlier decisions.

Last night nearly 46 million Americans watched Obama's news conference. Did anyone else think that he was...I don't know...long winded? Did anyone else think that he was a little boring to listen to? Granted, he does read better than Bush does, but he doesn't do any better when he looks away from his script. Sure Bush couldn't pronounce certain words or misspoke but Obama can't get out his thoughts fast enough. The 55 minutes of last night's news conference was just completely boring.

The main thing that disturbed me last night were little jabs at Republicans, for instance, suggesting that Republicans are "playing typical political games" since they are hesitant about voting for this "spending" bill. Obama answered one reporter's question by saying, "I can't afford to see Congress play the usual political games. What we have to do right now is deliver for the American people. Why do we need to ram this bill down our throats? On top of that, politicians are saying today that we will most likely need even more money!

So... if there is such a need to "deliver" to the American people so quickly, like Obama suggested, then why are there so many things in the bill that won't actually take effect until 2010?

A recent poll shows that Obama's approval rating around 67% while Congress is sitting at 31% (remember, Democrats hold the majority in both the House and Senate). What has Obama done to deserve such high approval ratings in his short 3 weeks in office? Please... can anyone help me on this? Please... I am begging you, because I am stumped!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Defiance Movie Review

Yesterday afternoon, Alyson and I went with her parents to go see Defiance! Daniel Craig is amazing in this movie. When I saw this movie, I didn't realize it was based off of a true story. These four brothers ended up leading 1200 people through the wilderness escaping the Nazi's as they were continuously hunted.

I would recommend anyone to see this movie. There is a lot of violence, but completely appropriate. The story of these Jewish families refusing to be captured and die completely touched my heart!

Smart move on Daniel Craig's part to act in other types of movies besides just the Bond films! We see a completely different side of him and his acting.

Go see the movie and let me know what you think!