Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Stimulus Hate

I am sure that we are all tired of hearing about the economy... I know that I sure am! I get sick up flipping on the television and hearing about all of the job losses. It just doesn't seem to stop! There are new job losses each day! Today Wal-mart and General Motors announced layoffs!

So what is the answer? I don't want to make you all feel depressed about the current situation, but seriously what is the answer? Is the answer really shoveling money towards the problem? Will approximately $900 billion work this time? Well...wait.... we haven't even used the full $850 billion that was approved this fall to be used to bailout the banks!

I am still standing by my previous statement that I don't want Obama to fail, but so far I am quite displeased with nearly everything that Obama has done. Don't believe me? Let's just look at the picture below just to show an example of Obama's earlier decisions.

Last night nearly 46 million Americans watched Obama's news conference. Did anyone else think that he was...I don't know...long winded? Did anyone else think that he was a little boring to listen to? Granted, he does read better than Bush does, but he doesn't do any better when he looks away from his script. Sure Bush couldn't pronounce certain words or misspoke but Obama can't get out his thoughts fast enough. The 55 minutes of last night's news conference was just completely boring.

The main thing that disturbed me last night were little jabs at Republicans, for instance, suggesting that Republicans are "playing typical political games" since they are hesitant about voting for this "spending" bill. Obama answered one reporter's question by saying, "I can't afford to see Congress play the usual political games. What we have to do right now is deliver for the American people. Why do we need to ram this bill down our throats? On top of that, politicians are saying today that we will most likely need even more money!

So... if there is such a need to "deliver" to the American people so quickly, like Obama suggested, then why are there so many things in the bill that won't actually take effect until 2010?

A recent poll shows that Obama's approval rating around 67% while Congress is sitting at 31% (remember, Democrats hold the majority in both the House and Senate). What has Obama done to deserve such high approval ratings in his short 3 weeks in office? Please... can anyone help me on this? Please... I am begging you, because I am stumped!


Cristina said...

I was waiting for you to post someting new and I was hoping that it would be about the stimulus plan. I am in total agreement with you. I hate when people say that they want Obama to fail, because it would be bad for us too, but I just wish that he would slow his roll!!! Do you ever listen to the Wells Report? I think it's on KLIF in the metroplex. Anyway, he and I are in agreement that if they are going to give out trillions of dollars, they should give it to citizens.... if they gave all of the bail out money to us instead of companies and banks, we would each get over $5,000 per person! What do you think that most people would do with that money? Spend it, of course! Or some might get caught up on their past due bills, in turn helping the companies that are struggling. Now you know that I don't know a ton about politics, but I think that they are doing things backwards!