Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Already Breaking Promises

Do you what sickens me the most about this big spending bill that was just passed today? No one really knows what is in it. Did you know that some congressman and senators didn't even have a chance to look through the bill before they signed it? No... I am serious!
Sure the news has reported a little bit of details here and there but how much do we actually know about what is in the bill? Nearly $900 billion dollars is being spent and on what?? Government building! You might being tired of hearing this and might even being wanting to click to another blog by now... But doesn't it concern you at all about what is being done?
First the Republicans were trying to allow the public to view the bill for 48 hours prior to it being voted on, but the Dems didn't allow it. Do you think that Obama read through the bill before he signed it?

Watch this video. You can watch the whole thing, but first fast forward to the good part starting at one minute.

So what has happened to Obama's stand against pork? What has happened to full disclosure? Today we have learned that since the negotiations of this bill started, Obama hasn't even had a chance to read through the bill himself before he signed it.

How many people have drank the kool-aid and actually think that this spending bill will actually work? If you think it will work, I respect your opinion, but would like to ask you one question... How do you know it will work? Because the news says so? Or is it because politicians say so? Since the majority of our representatives haven't read the bill and heck...even President Obama hasn't read it, how do they know it will work? Honestly, we really don't know what is completely in this bill, and unfortunately, we are going to be paying for it for a very...very...very long time!


Joy said...

What happened to the promise to go through everything "line by line"? And then he spent thousands of dollars to travel to Denver to sign it, just to make a point. This is going to be a fun 4 years.

Joy said...

The good news is, it should only last four years....

Cristina said...

This is going to be the longest 4 yeas ever...

Joy said...

How is it going with all the animals?

I moved to Blogspot. Check it out; I need advice.