Friday, December 12, 2008


It is very unusual for me to be able to blog twice in one day, but I couldn't pass on this one. One of the blogs I have been reading regularly, posted something that I found quite.... let me just say.... interesting. During this past election, we saw quite a bit colorful art. Remember the logo for Obama? You know.. the sunrise one? Then there is one that I have seen, not just from the blog I was talking about but also in magazines. Below is a picture painted by artist, Fairey. You might think that this is a very unique painting with the colors and all.

But then let's look at one more painting...

Do you see any similar characteristics? The above painting is a Soviet Union painting of Lenin. See any comparisons?


Joy said...

Hmmmm. Interesting.

Also, I LOVE the picture of you exercising on Aly's blog.