Tuesday, December 30, 2008

What Can Change?

Do you know the feeling of getting excited about something and then after a few days, that same feeling starts to diminish? Best example... New Year resolutions! You might think you are motivated to start shedding the pounds and working out regularly, but the majority of people who make resolutions don't carry them out to the next year! Why is this? Why do we get so excited and motivated about something and then our excitement cools down? Is it just human nature? Or can we somehow....change that?

Throughout my life I have had my spiritual highs and lows... You know the feeling... Being pumped up about reading the Bible and living for Christ fully but then not feeling any excitement about it at all! I know I am being brutally honest. I know that some of you might start to skim read or stop reading a blog like this when religion or even politics is written about... I know this because I have done the exact same thing. There are many times that I just don't feel like reading further because I am just not in the mood to.

Let's switch gears to gossip columns and celebrity articles. I am not saying anything negative about people who read these things, but why are there more subscriptions to these types of magazines than newspapers or news magazines? Why do most Christians read books and magazines more than they read their own Bible? What is their typical excuse? They just don't have time to read the Bible. I know this because I have said and done the exact same thing! I say I don't have time but then I read a book in a few days....

I better hurry and finish this blog before your eyes start to glaze over...

When it comes to our relationship with God, could it be an attack from Satan or could it possibly be just our natural instinct to lose motivation? I know that some people, even some Christians, don't believe in spiritual warfare, but how can there not be? If there weren't demons or Satan to try to tempt us why did Jesus come to save us? From what was He saving us from? The Bible tells us about an unseen war! Why else should we put on the Armor of God?

For me, my biggest struggle is staying "on fire" for God when times are good! It is so easy to desire to seek God when times are rough! When we lose a loved one, we are so quick to tell our other loved ones that we love them and we try to put an end to any arguments because we realize how little time we actually do have with them. But after a few months, the bickering starts all over again!

What can change so that we continue to strive to live for God, to care about others, to stop the bickering between each other, to stop worrying about what is just going on in our lives?
We are such in a fast paced society we tend to only care about ourselves.... in the long term. How can we change so that our passion remains in everything that we do and think about?

Happy New Year!


DW said...

I think it is has EVERYTHING to do with setting routines. Humans are very habitual creatures and all aspects of life. I know the times in my life that I have been good at reading The Bible, praying, working out, working hard at my job or anything else is when I purposely set a time apart for this certain action that I want to become better at. Think about how the American society has set standard work hours. Most Americans have a set schedule of 8-5 or longer that they must focus on a certain task. Their "job"! I know I would be a different person if I could set aside a specific two hour time each day to dive into the Bible and bible studies.

amy (metz) walker said...

...what DW said! And hey, back off on your celeb mag readers, yo! :-)